Programme Staff
Mr Mohamad Imran Bin Mohd Noor
Language Officer II
Areas of Expertise
- Translation
- Languages
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Dr Jose Ma. Luis P. Montesclaros
Research Fellow
BSc (University of the Philippines Diliman); MPP (NUS); PhD (RSIS, NTU) Areas of Expertise
- Dynamic modelling of public policy systems
- Complexity
- Governance institutions and strategy development
- Small and medium enterprises (SME) and tourism development
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Ambassador Mohammad Alami Musa
Adjunct Senior Fellow
BEng (University of Singapore); MSc (NUS) Areas of Expertise
- Interreligious Relations, Dialogue & the Religious Other
- Muslim Identity Formation in Plural Societies
- Muslims in Secular States
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Dr Nah Liang Tuang
Research Fellow
BSc (University of London); PGDip (NIE, NTU); MSc; PhD (RSIS, NTU) Areas of Expertise
- Politics and Strategy of Nuclear Armament and Disarmament
- North Korean Politics
- Non-Traditional Security
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Dr Tamara Nair
Senior Associate Fellow
Head of Research Integrity and Data Management Unit; Coordinator of Projects (Women and Children in ASEAN Community)
BA (NUS); MEnvMgmt (UNSW); PhD (UNSW) Areas of Expertise
- Decentralised Governance in Developing Nations
- Sustainable Development and Issues of Social Justice: Equitable Development in Local Communities
- Climate change, Natural Resource Management and the Role of Women
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Ms Sumitha Narayanan Kutty
Adjunct Research Associate
BA (Mangalore University); PG Dip. (Asian College of Journalism); MA (Georgetown University) Areas of Expertise
- Indian Foreign Policy
- India-Iran Relations
- India-Middle East Relations
- Western Indian Ocean Region
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Dr Marty Natalegawa
Distinguished Visiting Fellow
BSc Hons (London School of Economics); M.Phil (University of Cambridge); D.Phil (ANU)