SOARBank: Commentary
The Think Tank is an e-newsletter published by RSIS, NTU Singapore. It features expert discussions and opinions on geopolitics, counter-terrorism, national security, non-traditional security, and other topical issues covered in RSIS workshops and lecture. It also carries news on the latest books by RSIS scholars and the most-read commentaries published by RSIS.
CO16069 | Europe Post-Brussels: How It Should Respond to IS
CO16069 | Europe Post-Brussels: How It Should Respond to IS
Categories: ICPVTR / RSIS Commentary Series / Europe / Middle East and North Africa (MENA) / Conflict and Stability / Country and Region Studies / International Politics and Security / Terrorism Studies / Global
31 March 2016
CO16062 | Cyber Ribat in Malaysia: Countering IS’ New Online Guards
CO16062 | Cyber Ribat in Malaysia: Countering IS’ New Online Guards
Categories: ICPVTR / RSIS Commentary Series / Southeast Asia and ASEAN / Middle East and North Africa (MENA) / Country and Region Studies / Non-Traditional Security / Global
22 March 2016
CO16043 | Bangladesh: Checking Violent Extremism
CO16043 | Bangladesh: Checking Violent Extremism
Categories: ICPVTR / RSIS Commentary Series / South Asia / Southeast Asia and ASEAN / Country and Region Studies / Terrorism Studies
24 February 2016
CO16041 | From Paris to Jakarta: How Terror Attacks Drive Mobile Engagement
CO16041 | From Paris to Jakarta: How Terror Attacks Drive Mobile Engagement
Categories: ICPVTR / RSIS Commentary Series / Southeast Asia and ASEAN / Country and Region Studies / Non-Traditional Security / Terrorism Studies / Global
23 February 2016
CO16027 | Growing Uighur Militancy: Challenges for China
CO16027 | Growing Uighur Militancy: Challenges for China
Categories: ICPVTR / RSIS Commentary Series / Central Asia / East Asia and Asia Pacific / Middle East and North Africa (MENA) / Country and Region Studies / International Politics and Security / Terrorism Studies / Global
04 February 2016
CO024 | Indonesians’ Response to Jakarta Attacks: New Strategy to Curb ISIS’ Influence?
CO024 | Indonesians’ Response to Jakarta Attacks: New Strategy to Curb ISIS’ Influence?
Categories: ICPVTR / RSIS Commentary Series / Southeast Asia and ASEAN / Country and Region Studies / Singapore and Homeland Security
02 February 2016
CO16011 | Rise of Islamic State Networks in Indonesia
CO16011 | Rise of Islamic State Networks in Indonesia
Categories: ICPVTR / RSIS Commentary Series / Southeast Asia and ASEAN / Middle East and North Africa (MENA) / Country and Region Studies / International Politics and Security / Terrorism Studies
20 January 2016
CO16007 | Danger of Southeast Asian Jihadi Returnees: Need for an ASEAN-wide Policy
CO16007 | Danger of Southeast Asian Jihadi Returnees: Need for an ASEAN-wide Policy
Categories: ICPVTR / RSIS Commentary Series / Southeast Asia and ASEAN / International Politics and Security / Terrorism Studies
18 January 2016
CO16006 | Online Dating of Partners in Jihad: Case of the San Bernardino Shooters
CO16006 | Online Dating of Partners in Jihad: Case of the San Bernardino Shooters
Categories: ICPVTR / RSIS Commentary Series / East Asia and Asia Pacific / South Asia / Country and Region Studies / International Politics and Security / Non-Traditional Security / Terrorism Studies
18 January 2016
CO16004 | Islamic State Branches in Southeast Asia
CO16004 | Islamic State Branches in Southeast Asia
Categories: ICPVTR / RSIS Commentary Series / Southeast Asia and ASEAN / International Politics and Security / Terrorism Studies
15 January 2016